To achieve excellence in business you must be able to choose a suitable business to run with. Choosing a suitable business can be a herculean task. Many have loads of business ideas in their head but are at a cross road over which one to run with. This is a very common challenge especially if you are trying to switch from paid employment to doing your own business.
Many have found themselves in situation where they followed the crowd in starting up a business that looked like rave of the moment at one time without first understanding the intricacies involved with it only to end up losing all they put into it.
Every other day, you hear and read about the anguish and groaning of start-up businessmen and women who have failed to achieve excellence in business venture they went into due to one reason or the other. At one point it looked as if they could pull it through and built the business into a great success. But after a seemingly promising start, the entire business and their investments into it ends up in frustration.
What does it then take to choose a suitable business that brings with it profits and lasting fulfilments. To choose the right business and succeed in it, you need to follow the following steps:
Step 1 - Be prepared
In choosing a suitable business, you need to deliberately prepare yourself, I took my time to prepare for whatever I wanted to do, by reading relevant books, attending seminars and meeting mentors that I belief can give me useful advise. No one builds a structure without first putting on ground a solid foundation.
Step 2 - Be Focused
When I decided on the type of business to venture into, I took a decision and stayed with it. Focus is important in whatever you do. Take a careful study of anybody that achieve excellence in his business today, you discovered that focus is their key. There is need for you to discover your purpose and then do everything humanly possible to actualize it. It is possible to generate at least five sources of legitimate income from any business you are doing. So, it is advisable to start with the first one and as you move along you will begin to naturally see from that single business other sources of income.
Step 3 - Play The Integrity Game
Any business that must stand the test of time must be built on the bedrock of honesty. Never aspire to make all the money on earth overnight. Ensure to give people more than what they want and you will be smiling to the bank, shortchange them, and you will be shooting yourself on the foot.
Step 4 - Make Creativity Your Watchword
If you do not know, this is the engine room. There is always a better way to do whatever you are doing. The most important thing is to always look out on how to improve on anything. Find a way to subtract or add to ideas that are already in existence. This is what stand out a genius.
Step 5 - Secure A Mentor
Mentoring is one factor that assisted my choice of business in the past. Ensure you a have a mentor that you can confide in and must also be ready to show you the thread. It is believed that mentors have seen and experienced everything you are yet to experience and seen. This give them the right to guide you and give you all the necessary counsel, guidance and advice that will help you avoid all the pitfalls along the way to succeeding in business.
To be a millionaire, the best thing to do is to ask somebody who is a millionaire. If it took him ten years to become one, it will take you one year to become a millionaire like him. You can also use materials you can read on your own from such mentors.
In this case, a material from a self-made millionaire at a young age of 26 come handy. It provides you with the Ultimate Success Formula which will alter your perception and approach to work among other things.